Calculating the W-2 Wages Using a Paystub


When we come to the tax seasons, chills are all over us. For far too many of us, it is not until we have our W2 , that we get started on the tax process. Many excuse this delay for the reason that they need the details on their W2 forms to get started with the tax preparation process.

But all said and done what are your options if at all you haven't received your W2 form and does this necessarily has to be the reason for you to wait for you to get started with the need to prepare your tax returns? By and large, you have no reason at all to halt the process all for the reason of waiting for the W2 form and the details in it for you can actually get all the information on your W2 form from one of your paystubs. Read on in this guide and learn some of the ways that you can get to do your W2 wages from a paystub. Here we go with this.

What we will seek to address first is the difference there is between a W2 and a paystub. Like we have already mentioned above, one who happens to be unfamiliar with the payroll and the tax process will easily confuse or mistake these two, getting completely mixed up in the process. It gets to be even more confusing once one receives their final paystub upon realization that their total earnings will not quite match what it is that they have on their final paystubs as given and their W2. It is as such important to have a clear idea on how these two happen to be different for this is such a necessary and clear distinction to mark. See the following for the differences between the paystub, your final paystub and your W2.

Here, we get to see some of the basics to know of about a paystub. Precisely put, a paystub is that paycheck you are given by your employer when they pay you as regularly as they do. The details in your paystub will be such as to include your pay, including the much that you earned for that particular pay period and as well will have the year-to-date payroll. Plus, on the paystub you will as well see the deductions and taxes that may have been applied to your total earnings. At the tail of it all, your paystub will then take this all, all the deductions and taxes from what is reflected in your gross earnings as on the paystub at the top, and the end is a reflection of what you actually earned from the paycheck, what would be your take-home earnings.

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